It can be depressing and anxiety inducing looking at the current state of things, but I hope to impart a sense of urgency and action with this rather than hopelessness. I often find that channeling my anxieties into something that feels like it can do some good helps me cope with those feelings, which is why I started this publication recently. That is also why I added things that people can do to prepare, because just saying we are screwed feels unproductive. The only solace that I can offer is that America has gone through crisis before, and we have always come out the other side. The spirit of rebellion lives within our blood. Liberty or Death is not simply a slogan, it is a promise.
It must be effective if someone cares enough to tear them down! Leave it to a fascist to call themselves the party of free speech, just to trample over everyone else’s. You’re just proving my point dude
Arm yourself? No, I don't need or want a gun. I'm interested in moving back to Canada and giving up my US passport for my Canadian. My Norwegian family survived Hitler; I can survive Herr Trump. He has only one goal: Be Dictator for life. That's what Americans voted for. Simple answers to complex problems from Daddy.
This is such a clear and succinct explanation. Thank you!
Excellent resource for the struggle ahead. Thank you.
Well considered and stated. The difficulty I am having with reading this is how hopeless it reads. It is easy to be apathetic when I am despairing.
It can be depressing and anxiety inducing looking at the current state of things, but I hope to impart a sense of urgency and action with this rather than hopelessness. I often find that channeling my anxieties into something that feels like it can do some good helps me cope with those feelings, which is why I started this publication recently. That is also why I added things that people can do to prepare, because just saying we are screwed feels unproductive. The only solace that I can offer is that America has gone through crisis before, and we have always come out the other side. The spirit of rebellion lives within our blood. Liberty or Death is not simply a slogan, it is a promise.
More on neo-fascism:
I enjoy tearing down your fliers all over Charlottesville every day. They're only up for a couple of hours before I get them. Bolshevik faggots.
It must be effective if someone cares enough to tear them down! Leave it to a fascist to call themselves the party of free speech, just to trample over everyone else’s. You’re just proving my point dude
Arm yourself? No, I don't need or want a gun. I'm interested in moving back to Canada and giving up my US passport for my Canadian. My Norwegian family survived Hitler; I can survive Herr Trump. He has only one goal: Be Dictator for life. That's what Americans voted for. Simple answers to complex problems from Daddy.